Alan Powers on Sir John Betjeman and The Garden Suburb Movement
Photograph: Ron Ellis/
The Bedford Park Society is delighted to announce that this year’s Betjeman Lecture on 18 September will focus on Sir John Betjeman himself who helped save Bedford Park in the 1960s. The lecture is entitled 'John Betjeman and the Garden Suburb Movement' and will be given by Alan Powers.
The opening line of Betjeman’s poem Narcissus: “Yes, it was Bedford Park the vision came from” provides the title for this lecture – playing on imagined memories of the 1890s, a period to which he returned with a mixture of satire and affection.
Alan Power, Leader of Historical Studies at the London School of Architecture, will explore Betjeman’s particular fondness for Bedford Park and his role in promoting its preservation. The lecture will be held at Arts Educational, Bath Road, at 8 pm (see below for details)
Alan is a prolific writer for magazines, author of numerous books and curator of popular exhibitions with a particular interest in Betjeman.
As professor of architecture and cultural history at the University of Greenwich, Alan taught architectural history and theory for undergraduate and diploma courses from 1999-2012, and has been a frequent external examiner for PhD and other higher degrees. An expert on 20th century architecture, Alan was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2008.
To reserve your place now order your ticket at £10 per person online (plus 70p administration fee per ticket) or pick one up from Postmark, 53 Turnham Green Terrace.
This is an open event and all are welcome.
Venue: The Andrew Lloyd Webber Theatre, Arts Educational Schools, 14 Bath Road, Chiswick W4 1LY Time: Drinks from 7.15pm. Lecture starts at 8.00pm.
For further information about the Society email: or check the website:
September 11, 2019