WHAT HAPPENED IN CHISWICK DURING AUGUST 2002 All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during August - if you like to receive it click here We are always grateful to receive articles about local matters. Don't hesitate to send contributions to editor@chiswickw4.com
CLIMB DOWN ON "CAR FREE DAY" - Council no longer to close Chiswick High Road citing objections from the emergency services. CRIME IN CHISWICK IN A NATIONAL CONTEXT - A detailed look at local and national crime patterns from Chiswick resident and Home Office adviser Robin Marris.
PIRATE RAID ON RIVERSIDE HEALTH CLUB - Staff at the Riverside Club were shocked by the sight of a pirate walking into reception. Far from being a seagoing brigand this was club member Leon Mills who the management are attempting to expel.
"DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE ON CHISWICK PROPERTY" - Analysis of Land Registry figures suggests Chiswick property prices rose by only 2.3% over the last year. LIBRARY - "IT'S ALL UP IN THE AIR" - The Friends of Chiswick Library express concern at the lack of progress and disclosure on the library redevelopment. CHISWICK ELECTRICS MOVING NOT CLOSING - Fears that a popular local shop might close prove unfounded. DISTRACTION BURGLARIES AND DOOR STOP CONS - The does and don'ts of dealing with callers at the door from the Chiswick Crime Prevention team. CHISWICK AREA COMMITTEE PLANNING - Meeting discussed planning issues including developments at Chiswick Business Park and plans for a new conservation area in West Chiswick. SOHAM COPYCAT ON KING STREET? - An attempt made to abduct two girls aged 10 and 11 in broad daylight in Hammersmith. AUTUMN SEASON BEGINS AT THE TABARD THEATRE - The Two Colour Theatre company is bringing Tom Griffin's off-Broadway smash "The Boys next Door" to Chiswick. TOP MARKS FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS - A level records smashed with one school popular attended by many Chiswick students achieving a 98% pass rate. GCSE results also see massive improvement. WILLIAM HOGARTH AND BELMONT SCHOOLS GETTING TOGETHER - A joint art project by the two schools gave the children a chance to meet up. SEA CADETS SEEK VOLUNTEERS - Can you spare sometime to help this much praised unit? ANNIE GET YOUR MAP - Annie's looks set to beat the jinx of a restaurant graveyard. TEAMWORK BY CHISWICK BUSINESSES SAVES THE DAY - How two local businesses got together to beat the tube strike. BLENHEIM CONCERTS - A Concert by Julia Karen Williams and Yukie Wake reviewed. CHISWICK COUNCIL TENANTS FACE MASSIVE RENT RISE - Government plans to base social housing rents on property values could mean Council tenants in Chiswick paying an extra £700 a year. CHISWICK RESIDENTS URGED TO LOBBY AGAINST UXBRIDGE ROAD TRAM - Gridlock on Chiswick High Road and Stamford Brook Road predicted if scheme proceeds. PENSIONER TO BE CHISWICK LIFESAVER - The second of the Thames lifeboats based at Chiswick has been officially named at a ceremony at The Royal Hospital, Chelsea. The E class lifeboat will be named "Chelsea Pensioner". LABOUR
being described as being as "popular as foot and mouth" in Chiswick
by one of its own members, Ann Keen (left) gets a vote of confidence
from the man widely tipped to succeed her. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter Something missing? If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient coverage to, let us know. Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed by local people. |