Promises to focus on the key issues affecting local residents
Turnham Green Councillor Adrian Lee was elected the new Chair of the Chiswick Area Forum with Councillor Peter Thompson elected as his Deputy.
Speaking after his election Councillor Lee said, “I am delighted my fellow Chiswick Councillors have elected me Chair of the Chiswick Area Forum for the forthcoming municipal year.
Having grown up and lived in Chiswick my whole life, it is a great honour to now lead this important and popular local forum which attracts many residents far and wide to come and discuss key issues important to them and important to Chiswick.
I would like to pay tribute to my predecessors Councillors Sam Hearn and Gerald McGregor for their sterling work and I know they will continue to represent their wards and their residents with the utmost commitment and dedication.
One of the things I will be looking at is how we can streamline our Area Forum meetings, making them more efficient and focus much more on the key issues Chiswick residents want to debate and discuss. Holding officers to account will continue to be a priority as well as closely monitoring works carried out by Hounslow Highways.
There are some “life changing” local developments coming up, namely the Brentford Football Stadium and more crucially, the Chiswick Curve (yet to come to Planning Committee) where I intend to play my full role as Chair of Chiswick Area Forum and represent all Chiswick residents and their views.”
If you have a query or an issue you would like to raise with the new Chair Councillor Adrian Lee, please email: or phone: 0208 992 9329.
July 13, 2016