Priorities are dealing with burglary, drug dealing, asb and pedal cycle theft
Brentford Ward
The team conducts regular street briefings and drop-in surgeries to communicate with residents in person on given dates and times. The team deployed uniform and plain clothes including night patrols to combat burglaries on the sector and we work in partnership with our Borough Crime Prevention Officers to provide residents extra attention for their home security arrangements. We send out regular messages update via the neighborhood link. All burglary reports are assessed by experienced detectives and supervised by on duty sergeants attending the venues alongside expert scene of crime officers. Victim reassurance visits are completed by the team and vulnerable persons are referred to Council safeguards team if appropriate. We maintain the monitoring of known suspects on out integrated offender management scheme/data base using GPS tracking device. During the summer months, remember to close your windows when leaving you home.
Drug Dealing/Using
The team executes at least 1 court issued drugs search warrants every week coordinated by our sector intelligence officer. There have been several arrests from these warrants Residents are encouraged to liaise with the team concerning drug dealings on the sector. The team also work in partnership with LBH, HH teams and DWP executing warrants. Leaflets are distributed in surrounding roads during these Operations, raising awareness in the community.
CCTV cameras are used to combat ASB at known locations. We maintain regular patrols using predictive statistics at known locations across the sector. The team regularly engages with youths at beginning and end of schools as part of an established Op protect across the borough. Our BOCU dedicated ASB desk make initial contact with residents reporting ASB issues prior to the team conducting a follow up reassurance visits or case manage the situation via Airspace providing regular updates and sharing best practice on the borough and MPS. Advice and support measures are implemented as appropriate to individuals. We work in partnership with other agencies to coordinate achievable targets. We encourage more community involvement/ partnership to improve the quality of life for our residents.
Syon Ward
All burglary reports are checked by experienced detectives as part of our local policing model. Burglary victims are visited and referred to the Safeguard team if it is felt they are vulnerable. Surrounding properties are also visited (cocooned) where potential witnesses can be identified and crime prevention advice/reassurance given. We actively advise residents to pay extra attention to their home security and offer advice on how their security can be improved/enhanced to help combat opportunists. We do this through regular Street Briefings, Neighbourhood link and neighbourhood watch newsletters. Local officers deploy in uniform/plain clothes, in vehicles or on foot conducting intelligence led patrols in order to deter and detect burglaries.
Theft of pedal cycle
We continue to encourage/advise residents to register their pedal cycles via the immobilise website and hold regular Security bike marking events in joint partnership with Hounslow Council Community Safety Coordinators and the Safer Transport Team. The most recent event having been held at the West Middlesex Hospital on the 18th June 2014.
Syon policing team continue to conduct high visibility patrols in order to reduce Anti -Social Behaviour (ASB) within the ward. All named ASB informants are contacted/visited and advice, support plans/measures are put into place based on individual needs. Syon policing team works in partnership with residents, local council and businesses utilising CCTV (fixed cameras and the use of mobile CCTV vans) in order to combat ASB at identified locations. ASB on the ward is recorded & monitored on ‘Airspace’ (dedicated ASB computer software) by local officers. Reports are monitored daily and graded dependent on the severity of the ASB. Recently a prolific ASB offender has been served with a closure order after their premises had been used for drug/alcohol abuse and where their behaviour was causing harassment/ alarm/ distress to neighbours. There are currently 3 individuals issued with Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABC’s) on Syon ward.
To proactively police cycling behaviour within Syon Ward and make it safer for residents.
We continue to actively and robustly police cyclists on Syon ward through advising/educating, and where appropriate the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s). We maintain a dedicated spreadsheet of cycle/motor vehicle offences/locations, in order to help identify specific problem areas.
To monitor and police drivers on school runs, especially outside specific schools on Syon ward in order to deliver safety and consideration for the community at all times.
We continue to deploy adhoc patrols outside schools and work in partnership with the schools themselves, dedicated ward traffic officers, Schools officers and the local council.
To actively implement alcohol related ASB sanctions.
We continue to utilise powers under the borough-wide Controlled Drinking Zone (CDZ) to monitor, educate and where appropriate, penalise offenders. We also update and monitor the Hounslow Borough CDZ tracker, enabling us to identify repeat offenders and monitor particular areas of concern.
and will shortly be activating a ward ‘Twitter’ account to supplement ongoing efforts to engage with the Syon local community. We have recently held police surgeries at West Middlesex Hospital during planned events, for example, the Security Roadshow and the bike to work week. We will continue to build on our strong relationship with the hospital and support future events. We also hold regular ‘Street briefings’ which are advertised on our dedicated web page.
Syon LPT is dedicated to use every opportunity to listen to, and act upon our local communities’ concerns.
July 14, 2014