Is the empty site finally to be developed?
An application has been submitted for the corner of Windmill Road and the A4 to offer 9 flats, commercial space on the ground floor and nine underground parking spaces. Two advertisement panels will be the subject of a separate application. The building will range from three to five stories.
The site has current planning applications for advertisements and a slightly smaller development (P/2012/3321 and P/2011/1096)
The roofs will provide amenity space. The curved wall which includes a winter garden will act as a buffer from motorway noise and air pollution.
The first and second floors will require mechanical ventilation due to the nitrogen dioxides concentrations. Their air will come from the fifth floor.
The Greater London Urban Area has been reported to the EU as exceeding the limit value for annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations. Defra‟s mapping for 2020, which takes account of the measures contained in its 2015 Air Quality Action Plan (Defra, 2015), does not identify any exceedences within the study area.
The documents referring to the application P/2017/0598 can be downloaded and comments made.
February 22, 2017