Police site, Watermans site and Acton Lodge all get the go ahead
The joint proposals to relocate Watermans Arts Centre from its current location to a new position on the old police station in Half Acre (pictured above looking north from outside Goddards) were approved this Thursday (8 February) at the Hounslow Council Planning Committee meeting. The approval follows the recommendation of council planning officers in the report they presented to the meeting.
Flats will be built on both the old police station site and the current Watermans and Max Factor buildings as part of a project that will see approximately 300 new homes across the two sites.
The police station and section house (P/2017/3371) will be demolished and replaced with 105 new homes (including 60 affordable homes) and a replacement Watermans Arts Centre of 2,776m2, approximately equivalent to the current arts centre.
There will be two on-street disabled parking spaces with a drop-off point at Back Lane but otherwise no parking. The building will be up to seven storeys high.
Albany Riverside (P/2017/3372) covers the Watermans Arts Centre and Max Factor building. Both of these will be demolished and replaced with 193 flats arranged over three blocks. It will be 6-7 storeys high from the high street and There will be 33 car parking spaces.
The S106 agreement would ensure the continuity of provision of an arts centre within Brentford and the delivery of 20% affordable housing across both sites.
Albany Riverside
The proposed development of 19 houses on the former Acton Lodge site was also approved.
February 9, 2018