What is the happening with major developments as of August
August 2019
Alfa Laval/Brentford Nylons Tower, Great West Road.
In June 2019 Hyundai announced its decision not to build its flagship showroom on this site and to sell the property. Revised proposals will no doubt be made in due course. Application submitted in August for Prior Approval to convert building to 190 flats.
Boston Manor House.
A planning application (P/2017/4712) was approved in 2018 for the restoration and repair of Boston Manor House with the inclusion of a lift, reinforcement of the stairway and transformation of the existing flats in the service wing to charity and small business space with the addition of a cafe and shop.
Application P/2019/2939 was submitted in August for erection of new gas meter enclosure; installation of cavity drainage and new wall linings to restricted areas; updated decorative scheme; alterations to existing and proposed windows and doors; installation of new chimney caps
O’Riordans Tavern, 3 High Street, TW8 0DX
A planning application (P/2019/2873) was submitted on 7th August 2019 for the demolition of the existing public house and construction of a three storey building with lower ground floor to create four new dwellings and a community use space.
Ballymore site, land south of the High Street (P/2012/2735).
A detailed permission for Blocks B, C and K and an outline permission for the remainder of the site was approved in April 2015. A Compulsory Purchase Order was approved in March 2018.The development will comprise a mix of 867 residential units, commercial, retail and parking. The car park in Dock Road (Block G) was granted planning permission on 1st August 2019.
July 2019
Brentford Library, Boston Manor Road, TW8 8DW (P/2019/2089)
Full plans were approved on 30 July to refurbish Brentford Library and install two adult education classrooms.
Chiswick Curve, Chiswick Roundabout (P/2015/5555) (Turnham Green ward).
The planning application for a 32-storey tower block was rejected by the Planning Committee in February 2017. The applicant lodged an appeal against this decision and the appeal was heard in June/July 2018. The inspector recommended approval but in July 2019 the Secretary of State disagreed and the appeal was dismissed.
If the applicant wishes to make a further appeal this must be done by making an application to the High Court by the first week of September.
Bolder Academy, former Grasshoppers Rugby Club, Osterley (P/2017/1417)
A planning application was approved in August 2017 for a new secondary school to be built on the former Grasshoppers site which has now moved to new premises next to the Nishkam School. S106 agreed Jul 2019 so construction should start soon with an expected completion date of Summer 2021.
June 2019
L&Q, Morrisons supermarket site (P/2016/5573)
An application from Essential Living for 221 private rented sector units, supermarket and other retail use with 90 parking spaces was approved in April 2017 subject to S106 agreement. Essential Living have since sold the site, and their planning permission, to L&Q and their scheme will differ from the original scheme only in detail e.g. changes in the housing mix, and a reduction of the number of homes to 215.
April 2019
Tesco Gillette / Homebase
Major redevelopment was proposed in April 2019 through a joint venture between Tesco and Berkeley Homes. The intention is for Tesco to move to a new Tesco Extra store to be developed on the Homebase site at Gillette Corner. Berkeley Homes would then redevelop the existing Tesco, perhaps with a mix of houses, flats, and business uses.
P. Goddard and Sons, Roman House, High Street and Brentwater Business Park, The Ham
A pre-application consultation for the redevelopment of Goddards’ High Street site was launched on 23rd January. This proposal would comprise 28 flats above and retail on the ground floor. Another application was submitted by Goddards in March for a three storey self-storage unit at Brentwater Business Park, The Ham (P/2018/0922) which was approved in July 2018 subject to uncompleted discussions with the Environment Agency
Brentford Community Stadium, Lionel Road South, TW8 9QR
Construction is proceeding at pace for the new stadium for Brentford FC. Outline permission for 910 residential flats was approved in December 2015 (P/2013/1811). A further application (P/2017/3891) was approved in December 2017. The stadium will open sometime after the end of the 2019-20 season.
Pre-application proposals for the Duffy site were exhibited in December 2018.
Video updates of the stadium construction can be seen from the Brentford FC Drone on Facebook or Twitter.
Griffin Park, Braemar Road, TW8 0NT
In December 2018 the reserved matters application was approved for Brentford Football Club’s ground. This development is for 75 houses, 102 parking spaces and public open space. Development cannot begin until the club’s move to Brentford Community Stadium sometime after the end of the 2019-20 season.
Brentford Towers
Proposed refurbishment will be carried out but the towers will not be reclad. There will be urgent improvement works, including concrete treatments, window and fire door replacements, and extensive grounds improvements. Community areas are to be converted to flats where possible as well as a boxing gym and dance studio
Acton Lodge, 84 London Road, TW8 8JJ
Planning permission for 19 local authority houses was granted in December 2018. Further planning permissions are required to meet the conditions included in the original permission.
Old Police Station, Half Acre (P/2017/3371) and Watermans and Max Factor "Albany Riverside" (P/2017/3372).
Two planning applications from London Green were approved in 2018 for about 300 flats on the Watermans/Max Factor site and the replacement of Watermans (of similar size to existing) at the Police Station. Further details of the proposals can be found here. This proposal was called in by the Secretary of State in April 2018.
1-4 Capital Interchange Way (P/2018/4117).
An earlier application was refused in December 2017 for three 18-, 19- and 20-storey buildings including a bus depot, 550 flats, offices etc. The site was than acquired by Redrow Homes Ltd. and Catalyst by Design Ltd., a housing association. A revised planning application (P/2018/4117) was submitted which included 420 flats, 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial space, and 10,000sq. ft. of retail space. The design is stepped down in height from north to south, from 16 to 8 storeys. This planning application is still under consideration.
L&Q site/Citroen Garage, Capital Interchange Way (P/2017/4692).
L&Q submitted a planning application in November 2017 for 425 flats and 5 houses in five blocks of 12-18 storeys. This application was recommended for refusal in January 2018 and it was then called in by the Mayor of London, and then by the Secretary of State. A public inquiry will be held later in 2019.
LB Hounslow, Block D, western corner of High Street & Catherine Wheel Road, TW8 8AE. This site is to be developed by LB Hounslow, having been transferred to them by Ballymore. A planning application for 96 affordable housing flats and ground floor retail (P/2017/3946) is in progress.
Alfa Laval Site C, south west corner of Ealing Road and Great West Road (P/2017/1635)
In 2017 planning permission was granted for a 6,563 sq. m office building of 13 storeys, subject to Stage II referral to the GLA and amendments. The site remains undeveloped.
New Horizons Court, (former Sky offices), Harlequin Avenue, TW8 9ET.
Prior Approval was granted for conversion from office use to residential (144 flats) for blocks 1 and 4. (PA/2017/4311 and PA/2017/4310). The flats are currently being marketed and work is being carried out.
Parkview, Great West Road, TW8 9AZ. (PA/2017/0628)
Prior Approval was refused by Hounslow for the conversion of the offices to 171 flats but this decision was overturned on appeal. The flats are currently being marketed.
B&Q site/ Hudson Square, Larch Drive, Gunnersbury Avenue (Turnham Green ward).
Outline proposals were exhibited in June 2017 for at least six blocks of up to 22 storeys containing PRS, affordable and student accommodation, hotel and office/retail.
Rear of Kew Bridge Station (P/2017/1203).
30 flats of which 15 will be at "affordable rent" were approved at Planning Committee in December. The development will include 4 studios, 21 x 1 bed, and 5 x 2 bed. The site is cleared but there has been no construction yet.
Great West Plaza, 1-2 Riverbank Way, TW8 9RE
Early plans were for 497 flats, a 120 room hotel and a 55,000 sq. ft. office building. In January 2017 the site was bought by Quinata for over £300m.
Watermans Park, TW8 0DS (P/2015/4055)
The creation of 26 permanent moorings with car park and landscaping was approved in May 2016.
Layton Road
Currently used as a car park, this site is identified in the Draft Great West Corridor Plan. The Plan proposes that the site should be used for a 2FE school.
Tesco / Homebase redevelopment, Gillette Corner
See latest.
Adini comprising a new block of flats at the back of the site facing Northumberland Avenue and a substantial redevelopment of the Locally Listed Adini Office on the Great West Road into a glass and concrete modern building - appealing planning refusal due to be heard Sep 2019. Representations can be made online via acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk before 20th August 2019.
Junction of Power Road and 250 Gunnersbury Avenue, (Turnham Green ward)
A planning application has been submitted to demolish the existing building at 250 Gunnersbury Avenue and redevelop the site to provide a mixed use part 11, part 12 and part 13 storey building comprising flexible workspace and co-living accommodation. A total of 226 “co-living” units are proposed.
Wyevale Garden Centre, Syon Park
Wyevale have recently announced that this autumn they intend to close their garden centre at Syon Park.
Syon Park applied for development on Park Road allotments (P/2016/0717) with alternative allotments in Syon Park (P/2016/0716). The appeal was refused in Nov 2018 but the future of the allotments is unclear with their lease currently expiring in September 2020.
Great West Corridor Local Plan Review
A public consultation on the draft Local Plan Reviews (Great West Corridor, West of Borough and Site Allocation) and supporting documents will run from 30 July until midnight on 24 September 2019. Arrangements for the consultation can be viewed here.
A copy of the Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review (Volume 4) can be read here.
The area covered by the GWC Local Plan is a relatively narrow band on both sides of the Great West Road (GWR) that runs from Power Road in the east, to Gillette Corner in the west. Brentford Town Centre and large areas of Brentford to the north and south of the GWR are not included in the plan area
This list is brought to you and kept updated by Brentford Voice, a new group interested in all matters related to the future of Brentford and Syon. If you interested in finding out more please email caseym@blueyonder.co.uk
The above list is by no means exhaustive. Visit the planning website and search on ward, postcode or road for other applications. Planning appeals can be found at Planning Inspectorate and Mayor of London public hearings here.
August 21, 2019