Planning committee agrees to add railings
At this month's planning committee a decision was taken to make alterations to the walkway under Kew Bridge on the north side.
These alterations consist of mounting railing alongside the steps, onto which anti-slip strips would be added and a new lamp post (Knightsbridge model) on the eastern side of the walkway.
Comments were received that the alterations do not offer level access and are therefore not fully accessible and that an alternative was to open up arch 3 instead, as proposed by Strand on The Green Association. The stairs are there as part of flood defense. Access via the arch would require consultation with the landowners, an impact assessment on the bridge which is Grade II listed and a flooding assessment.
At the Planning Committee Malcolm Wood, of St George's, spoke in favour of the application and Richard Griffith spoke against.
The planning application was successful with a vote of 10:2 in favour, with Cllrs Lamber and Lee against and Cllr Louki abstaining. A condition was added that the anti-slip strips would be yellow or white rather than the proposed black.
Agreed eastern Chiswick side
Agreed western Brentford side (view from the south)
June 30, 2016