With the addition of a cafe and business spaces
An application has just been submitted for the conservation, restoration and refurbishment of Boston Manor House.
Boston Manor House was built in 1622-3 as the home of Lady Mary Reade and has had various extensions, owners and uses since. It is a Grade I listed building and is on Historic England's at Risk Register.
The building work would be carried out as part of a Heritage Lottery Funded (HLF) Project with an application expected to be submitted in March 2018.
The proposed works aim to restore Boston Manor House to its former glory, to enable a sustainable future, increase visitors, and ensure its removal from the Heritage At Risk Register.
Proposed added lift shaft cladded in brick slip (to right of chimney)
The house will be made fully accessible to the public as a museum with a lift to the second floor. The lift requires the loss of some C17 panelling and additional structure resulting in changes to the outward appearance of the roof.
Some small offices in the extension that are currently flats will be created, as well as a cafe and shop for the museum with a terrace area in front of a separate entrance. The terrace area would require the removal of trees that are too close to the building. The cafe would be able to accommodate approximately 60 covers that would "complement, but not compete with" Friends of Boston Manor cafe.
Trustees of Friends of Boston Manor said:
"It is good that Hounslow are finally thinking about the house but we would be quite interested to see a business plan. We don’t see the house earning enough to wash its face from what is in the exhibition. Reliance on smaller charities and small media businesses (both tend to be a bit flaky financially - and most small businesses are home-based to avoid the rent / business rates) for income with a few weekend and school holiday visitors doesn’t sound to be enough to cover the likely running costs. If their hope is to attract existing park users who use the cafe facilities just 142 metres away then the idea of a further cafe does not make sense. If they anticipate being able to bring in 60 covers per day from outside the park, then good luck to them but it is to be noted that, any competition, will mean less money available to spend improving the amenities within the park by the not for profit group Friends of Boston Manor".
Ground floor plan showing cafe, shop and business units
Remodelling of the service wing to provide self contained units for
Arts / Education / Community spaces. It is anticipated that these
would be let as art studios, workshops and to small businesses with
a link to the community;
The staircase is not safe for the expected volume of visitors and therefore needs careful strengthening, especially as an exit route in case of a fire.
P/2017/4712 is in Brentford Ward and the case officer is John Cooney. Click here to comment on this application
November 22, 2017