Goes to Planning Committee for decision this Thursday
A planning application (P/2017/3946) will be decided this Thursday for the development of up to 96 affordable homes plus retail on the ground floor of plot D, to the west of Catherine Wheel Road.
The outline permission already granted was for 80 units, 72 car parking spaces, retention of the existing shop frontage and a maximum height of seven storeys.
Location of Block D
The new application adds 16 units, reduces parking spaces to 18, demolishes the existing NatWest and Post Office shop frontage that it was proposed to retain, increases the height to 8 storeys and proposes to include Akash Electronics shop within the site layout. Akash is already included in the Compulsory Purchase Order.
The planning officer's report recommends approval.
The demolition of shop frontage means that the pavement can be widened. It had been suggested that the frontage could be taken down and moved back to allow wider pavement.
Illustrative layout showing landscaping at first floor, divided into two terraces (the stem and crossbar of the "T") with some private terraces (marked 1, in beige)
The housing mix will be 15 x 1bed, 37 x 2 beds, 35 x 3 beds and 9 x 4 beds, all to be at London Affordable Rents. 10 of the units meet wheelchair housing standards.
Land South of the High Street - Block Outlines
Also to be decided this Thursday is the addition of satellite dishes to the top of Kew Eye Tower. Public are welcome to attend the committee but may not speak. Full details and agenda can be viewed.
October 27, 2017