Information boards now available online
Hounslow Council is proposing to regenerate the waterside area of Watermans Gardens to re-provide 26 houseboat moorings along with additional improvements to the surrounding foreshore area, and park area.
Watermans Garden is an area of park land bordering both Brentford High Street and a
shallow area of the River Thames separated from the main river by Brentford Ait island. The
development of the site is focused on the immediate foreshore area and the eastern end of
the park nearest Victoria Steps Quay.
The riverside is currently occupied by a number of existing vessels moored without the council’s permission, between the legitimate houseboat moorings at Victoria Steps Quay and The Watermans Centre at the southern end.
The proposal would seek to re-provide 26 houseboat moorings of varying lengths up to 30min length. Plans also include a small area for car parking, storage and associated infrastructure for the riverside moorings.
Foreshore improvements are also included in plans, including the creation of a natural wildlife habitat and the introduction of reed beds to provide substantial ecological improvements. Significant improvements to the park area also proposed, however these are yet to be formalised and we are seeking the view of the local community to best discover the
improvements required by local users.
It is anticipated that a planning application be readied for the redevelopment in advance of a planning submission in April 2015. The council wants to ensure that you are involved in the development of the proposals as we enter the final design stages of the scheme before submission of a planning application.
Cllr Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council said: “Our vision to create a marina is part of our wider drive to regenerate Brentford.
“Brentford is fast becoming known as a boomtown, with the Bees new stadium complex in the pipe line and our ambitious plans for the Golden Mile – we want to make the area one of the best places to live, visit and do business in west London.”
The council welcomes your feedback to ensure that the final designs for the proposed scheme support the needs of both the council and the surrounding community.
The exhibition boards are available for download, as is the official feedback form.
Feedback can be sent to or to Watermans Marina, FREEPOST Peter Brett Associates, SCE 4241 Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8BR.
The deadline for comments is Saturday 22 November.
November 3, 2014