Consensus that residents would like it to remain public open space
The meeting to discuss proposals for the future of the former Northcote Recreation Ground (Pit Park) was well attended by approximately forty residents - a roughly 50/50 split between Hounslow & Richmond. The meeting was chaired by the curate of All Souls, the local parish church, Rev. Jez Carr, and the church have been extremely supportive of the proposals.
The plans drawn up by Dean Griffiths, architect and local resident, were on the whole well received, although there were some concerns about what the opening up of the space might potentially mean for some residents on the Richmond side whose gardens back on to the River Crane.
These concerns had been taken on board and, although there were some suggestions for alternative use for the area such as more allotments, it was pointed out that the area is designated public open space. And the main consensus was that is exactly what the majority of people would like it to remain. The park's relationship with the River Crane was emphasised as being integral to the plans, as was the possibility of boating activity being promoted in the future. The application for Village Green status is still going through the lengthy legal process, this will further give protection to the area if it is granted.
The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, and there were councillors from both Hounslow and Richmond in attendance, and officers from both boroughs will be involved. It is hoped that some initial work to trees that are causing some problems on the river bank will happen very shortly, but it was stressed that this is a long-term project and of course funding will have to be sought for various stages of the projected works.
A draft plan showing points of interest and access can be downloaded (pdf)
Vanessa Smith
Chair -
Friends of Northcote Nature Reserve
May 23, 2016