A raft of planning policies that will affect future development in Brentford
This Monday saw the launch of a number of slightly overlapping consultations on planning future for Brentford (and the rest of the borough).
Public response is important and will help shape the final documents which help inform planning decisions at the very least.
The Local Plan sets out much of the planning framework for the borough. Adopted in 2015 it will last until 2030. The Planning Inspector recommended two local reviews, of the Great West Corridor and West of Borough in Feltham.
The draft Local Plan Review sets out
Documentation for the above and links to all supporting evidence (and there's a lot of it) can be accessed at Local Plan Review.
There is a separate consultation on the Draft Great West Corridor Plan which is being identified as an Opportunity Area in the emerging London Plan
and on the Draft Brentford East Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which provides guidance on developing Brentford East while the Local Plan is being finalised.
Get Involved
These consultations will run from Monday 23rd October until midnight Sunday 10th December.
Wednesday 1 November 2017 – Thistleworth Tennis and Social Club, 129A Ridgeway Road North, Isleworth TW7 5LX
Wednesday 8 November 2017 –Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Rd, Brentford TW8 8DW
During these drop-in sessions and workshops, you will be able to find out more about the plan proposals from officers. Each workshop will include a roundtable discussion which is tailored to the Opportunity area, so that specific local issues can be covered in detail.
Comments should preferably be made using the online questionnaires (although comments by any means will be accepted)
Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review Questionnaire
Draft Brentford East SPD Questionnaire
E-mail: LDF@hounslow.gov.uk
Post: Planning Policy, Local Plan review, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN
Copies of the documents can be viewed at all Borough libraries and at the Council’s Reception, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN, during normal opening hours
October 24, 2017