Share an opinion or two with local photographer Rob Youngson
Local photographer Rob Youngson is looking to picture Brentford's identity in photos and words. He explains:
“I’m Rob, a theatre lighting designer and photographer. I live in Brentford and my next photography project is about capturing Brentford's identity.
"Brentford has a unique identity linked to its history on the Thames, its football club, its pubs and the steam museum. Living in Brentford at a time of fast change, especially in the landscape, I want to capture this moment in its history.
"I want to hear from anyone who works or lives in Brentford, business owners, affiliates of the football club, people who have always lived here and people who have recently arrived. I am collating comments, conversations and photographic portraits. I’d love to meet you and find out what you love and what your concerns are for the place we live and work.
"The project may culminate in an exhibition. The pictured examples of my work are from a recent trip to Florence, I work in film for projects such as this, largely in Black and White.
If you would like to share a cup of tea or an opinion with Rob then he would love you to get in touch. Email on
November 23, 2015