Park Road allotment holders seeking to save their site
The Duke of Northumberland is seeking to build 120 homes on the allotments known as Park Road which have existed for over a century. His estate has offered the plot holders an alternative site within the park which is less accessible.
The Isleworth Society have had an application granted to designate the allotments as an Asset of Community Value which means that the community would have six months in which to put together a bid if the land were up for sale.
This does not however stop Northumberland Estates from building on the land.
Park Road allotments (Google)
The homes would be mostly two bed houses built for private rent to help subsidise Syon House and the surrounding estates. Syon House needs over £10 million for repairs.
The dispute has also brought about a potential Percy family split, reports the Sunday Times. The president of the Isleworth Society is Caroline de Cabarrus, the sister of the duke, who lives in a property overlooking the disputed site.
Allotment holders say it's not just about the plots but the area provides a haven for local wildlife including a lot of rare if not endangered birds and is part of the landscape surrounding the 600 year old All Saint's Church.
It was suggested that this might have gained support from Hounslow Council in exchange for consent to building a school on Brent Lea, land where the Duke holds a covenant. Although the temporary school is now elsewhere, no decision has been made on a permanent school.
Almost 800 people have signed the petition to date.
Park Road Allotments and on Facebook.
February 5, 2016