Hounslow Highways says its gritters are ready
With the wintry weather on its way, Hounslow Highways says it is more than prepared for any cold snaps.
Rob Gillespie, Hounslow Highways Service Director, said: "We’ve got 2,500 tonnes of gritting salt in our salt barn and our fleet of seven gritting lorries is ready to go at a moment’s notice. We have also carried out a number of practice sessions as is usual during our winter service preparation.”
Hounslow Highways can also deploy its street cleansing crews with shovels and salt to provide hand gritting at high risk locations where necessary. You can read which roads in Brentford will be gritted.
The winter service aims to ensure that the borough's priority roads are as clear and safe as possible during the winter months and to minimise delays and incidents caused by adverse weather conditions.
The Hounslow Highways’ gritting lorries are equipped with GIS trackers and connected to the operational hub. The company says it works closely with other agencies to identify the priority routes as it is simply not possible to treat all the borough’s 259 miles of roads.
"On our website you'll not only find information about the priority routes we grit when the temperatures fall below zero, but you can also find advice on driving, walking and cycling in colder weather,” Rob Gillespie said.
For further information visit www.hounslowhighways.org (winter section) or read here about how they decide to grit the roads and which streets are covered by HH or by other agencies such as TfL.
December 29, 2014