Peter Shaffer and Tom Stoppard coming up
St Faith's Players are looking for cast and crew to join them for our next production - 16, 17, 18 May 2013.
We are hoping to present `Black Comedy' by Peter Shaffer and `The Real Inspector Hound' by Tom Stoppard.
If you'd like to join us we will be meeting on Sunday 10 February at 2.30pm in St Faith's Church Hall, Windmill Road, Brentford TW8 9NA and next Wednesday 13 February at 7.30pm.
If you would like to know more about the production and the group please come along you'll be very welcome. If you cannot come on either of these dates but are interested please ring Jennie Shaw on 020 8567 2191
Visit the website at' and find the Players on Facebook
St. Faith’s Hall, 122 Windmill Road, Brentford, TW8 9NA just North of the A4. E2 bus stops right outside.
February 7, 2013