One day conference to find out how this will affect carers
Our Barn and Hounslow Parent Carers Forum are jointly hosting a mini conference introducing the new Care Act and what it means for carers in Hounslow.
It will be held on Monday, 29th February at the Master Robert Hotel in Hounslow.
The day will be led by Karen Adams and Lesley Beck who are both Hounslow residents and carers of young disabled people. They both have experience of caring for elderly parents too.
Carers attending the event will gain knowledge of the changes contained in the Care Act and how to access services in Hounslow beyond this one day event. They will also hear some practical suggestions for looking after the carers own needs and maintaining their own well-being during this huge change of direction in their lives.
The intention is that carers should leave the event feeling appreciated and supported, with information about services to access in Hounslow.
See Further details and booking form
February 5, 2016