Headlining Brentford Community Council's AGM
Further to the announcement that Cllr Steve Curran signed a Memorandum of Understanding with developer London Green at MIPIM for the redevelopment of Watermans, the Max Factor building next door and the police station, Brentford Community Council are pleased to announce that Philip Green will present the preliminary plans at the AGM.
Taking place on Monday 27th April upstairs at the Griffin Philip will start off the evening at 7.15pm which will also have a selection of sandwiches to keep us going.
The agenda formally reads as
Planning Consultative Committee
1. Presentation by Phillip Green on Brentford Police building and
Watermans Art Centre and Watermans Park
2. Present / Apologies
3. Minutes of Last Meeting / Matters Arising
4. AOB.
5. Dates of Next Meetings.
1 Chairman’s Statement
2 Treasurers Statement
3 Dissolution current Committee
4 Vote on Committee 2015 / 16
5 Other non-planning AoBMoving their monthly planning meetings to the Winchester, or the upstairs room of the Griffin has so far met with good success.
If you would like to get involved in the community and influence planning and development then simply come along or contact chair@brentfordcc.org.uk
April 23, 2015