Guy Lambert wins with a poor turnout
The full count was:
Labour - 1292
Conservative - 664
Green - 209
Liberal Democrat - 116
UKIP - 113
Turnout was only 21.96%, with 2,397 votes cast out of 10,913 eligible. This falls to 16.66% when you just consider polling station turnout.
Guy was first in Brentford from 1977 when he joined Honeywell on the Great West Road and has lived in the town for several years, having moved from Chiswick.
He now lives in Ferry Quays, and is involved in various local voluntary activities including being treasurer of the local credit union, lay assessor for Hounslow Highways (inspecting our roads and pavements) and a mentor (and former 'dragon') for the Brentford Chamber of Commerce.
Guy Lambert with other candidates at the declaration of the result with Mary Harpley, Returning Officer (photo @RuthCadbury)
There was some considerable confusion by Brentford residents who realised that they did in fact live in Syon ward and weren't therefore eligible to vote.
Hounslow Council have requested a formal review as to why poll cards were not distributed in Braemar Road, Clifden Road, Hamilton Road and New Road.
If you did not receive a polling card from a different address please inform
July 10, 2015