Hounslow looks to expand programme of events while minimising impact
Be Inspired Festival, Redlees Park, 2015
If you’re a regular parks visitor, a lover of open spaces or someone who hosts or enjoys participating in events, don’t miss out on your chance to have your say on our new events strategy.
A consultation is now under way which asks residents, businesses and park users what they think about the council’s proposals and related policies for events, festivals and commercial and community use of parks and public spaces.
The management of parks and open spaces returned to the London Borough of Hounslow in 2018. This has provided the opportunity for the council to review how parks and public spaces can be best used for events and activities, and will enable the development of its own programme of events for residents to enjoy.
Since coming back in to council management, the maintenance and upkeep of parks is carried out by Greenspace 360, a trading company wholly-owned by the London Borough of Hounslow.
The consultation includes an updated strategy for how Hounslow Council encourages varied and relevant use of our parks and open spaces so that everyone can enjoy them. The policy includes a pricing framework, booking process and application criteria, which follow best practice guidelines and help ensure events are well managed, safe and successful.
Everyone is welcome to respond to the whole consultation or just those parts they consider to be relevant to them.
Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Leisure Services, said: “The London Borough of Hounslow has some great parks and public spaces which are used for a variety of recreation and entertainment activities.
“The events strategy will give us a blueprint on how we can develop our events in the coming years, making the most of opportunities, both commercial and community-focused. We value input from all park users and event goers, which will help to shape our spaces as places for all to enjoy.
“Visiting parks and public spaces can improve mental and physical health and wellbeing but they are also crucially places where the community can come together to relax and have fun. The strategy will strengthen our position as a hub for events and leisure activities, making Hounslow a destination which people choose to live, work, study and visit. Whether you walk through a park to get home or play football every day please let us know your thoughts on our draft strategy.”
Boston Manor Park has been identified as one of three "Premium" Parks, for which higher fees will be charged. There is no futher clarification of what Premium means
The consultation runs until Monday 2 December. Visit haveyoursay.hounslow.gov.uk to view and comment on draft proposals.
October 25, 2019