Review of scheme for residents on low incomes
In 2013 the Government changed how it provides support for residents on a low incomes to meet the cost of their council tax bills.
It made it the responsibility of local councils to set up their own support schemes, but with significantly less funding from the Government.
Hounslow Council is now considering whether to change its current scheme and is asking residents for their views on this, and the discount it gives to local families. Residents’ views will help the council reach its decision and may affect what some residents will have to pay. Residents can have their say by completing the online survey
Urging residents to take part in the consultation, Cllr Theo Dennison, Cabinet Member for Finance and Citizen Engagement, Hounslow Council, said: “We have about 99,000 council taxpayers and the 21,000 on the lowest incomes receive Council Tax Support. Around 7,000 of these are low income pensioners and they are not asked to pay council tax and this will not change; the rest are people of working age who, since 2013, have been asked to pay 8.5 per cent towards their council tax bill. The council can vary the amount these families have to pay.
“We’re keen to hear from residents how the current scheme operates and whether additional support is necessary or can be withdrawn. The decision we make will directly affect low-income families and has an impact on the budgets available for other services, so it is important we get this right.”
Residents who don’t have online access at home can go to any of the borough’s libraries where they can be supported to fill in the form. Alternatively they can call 020 8583 4753 and request a paper copy of the survey.
The council will be working closely with its voluntary sector partners working on disability and with pensioners and has already informed the Disability Community Forum of the forthcoming consultation.
Details of the council’s current Council Tax Support scheme is here.
Residents have until 23 October 2015 to return their completed surveys.
The council will consider the views of everyone who responds to the consultation and a report will be presented to Cabinet on 12 January 2016. If changes are made to Hounslow’s Council Tax Support scheme, they would be implemented from April 2016. The final decision on the scheme will be made by borough council on 26 January 2016.
October 22, 2015