Council Holding Feedback Event for Brentford Streetspace Measures

Result of review by traffic consultant Steer to be presented

Traffic on Swyncombe Avenue
Traffic on Swyncombe Avenue

Hounslow Council is holding a public engagement event this month especially for Brentford residents to hear views on their Streetspace programme in the area including Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs). The findings of Steer which has been appointed by the council to review the schemes will also be presented at the event.

It is taking place online on 18 December at 7pm and covers phase 1 and phase 2 of the programme which are those parts that have already been implemented. You can sign up via Eventbrite altough a link for this event is not yet available.

There are also two borough wide events for businesses on the 21 December and the 7 January next year.

An event for the Isleworth area takes place on 12 January.

The next phase of the trials will come in the form of an interim reviews, carried out by Steer, an accredited member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Steer will review the data and feedback received on each of the trials. Its conclusions will advise decisions on whether trial measures are adapted, made permanent or removed altogether. The reports will be published and available on the council’s website.

The purpose of these engagement events is for Steer to present the findings from their analysis which will form the basis for decision making.

Questions regarding the data, which includes traffic and bus issues, should be submitted in advance to ensure answers can be provided during the sessions. Questions can also be submitted at the sessions and all answers will be published on the council website.

The consultation period for the first phase of trials was due to finish on 22 December but this has now been extended until 31 January 2021 to allow any further representation to be made following these engagement sessions.

The council says that Streetspace trials were introduced at the request of the Government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to aid social distancing as well as promoting cycling and walking and reducing pollution. Meeting the Government’s request has meant consultation having to take place during the trial period because the measures have been introduced using Experimental Traffic Orders.

Cllr Hanif Khan, Cabinet Member for Transport and One Hounslow, said, “We’ve been clear throughout the Streetspace trials that we want to hear everyone’s views, especially as we have not been able to consult in advance in our usual manner. It is now time to get on with the next phase of engagement. We know some of these are at a busy time, but we want to start these conversations as soon as possible, and hear people’s voices. We will gladly rerun events in the New Year where there is sufficient demand.”

Streetspace has seen 62 trial measures introduced across the Borough, with 30 of those implemented around schools. These ‘Schools streets’ have a particular emphasis on road measures near schools, which promote cycling among pupils and boost air quality.

Cllr Khan continued, “We have committed to independent reviews based on the views of residents and the data we have collected for each trial. If you haven’t already taken part, I urge you to submit your thoughts – whatever your views – so the reviews fully reflect the breadth of opinion in Hounslow as well as the specific needs of particular areas where the Streetspace trials have been delivered.”

There is no date currently for commencement of Phase 3 trials.

To have your say on any of Hounslow’s trial Streetspace schemes click on this link or email the transport team on

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December 11, 2020