Syon Lane zone to be expanded and parking restrictions introduced for Spencer Road
The Council have published two notices this month concerning Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in the Brentford and Isleworth area.
They are planning to extend the Syon Lane Station CPZ to include Northumberland Avenue (between Syon Lane and Roxborough Avenue), Otterburn Gardens, Redesdale Gardens and Warkworth Gardens which would operate between Mondays to Friday 9am to 6pm.
If you wish to make an objection to the proposal you should send a statement in writing stating the grounds of the objection to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economic Development & Environment at the address above or by email to quoting the reference TMO/P031/15 to be received by no later than Friday 1 July 2016.
There is also a proposal to introduce a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Spencer Road, Isleworth area which would operate between Mondays to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm, except Christmas Day.
If you wish to make an objection to this proposals the contact details are as above using the reference TMO/P029/15 to be received by no later than Friday 1 July 2016.
Hounslow Council recently increased the cost of residents' parking permits from £67.50 to £80. Charges for a second vehicle rose from the existing £112.50 up to £133. Charges for a third or subsequent vehicle went up from £185.60 to £220.
The new charges were approved in the budget earlier this year and will bring increased revenue for the Council. Hounslow Council says that in a period when car ownership is on the increase and the pressures on parking spiralling, it is their role to ensure everyone follows parking restrictions and to protect resident permit bays for genuine permit holders. They claim they reduce traffic congestion and promote safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians by issuing parking permits and parking tickets where appropriate and responding to challenges made against any PCNs.
According to the Council's 2015 parking report, a total of 9,887 resident's permits were issued and this brought in an income of £562,255 not including PCNs issued in controlled parking zones.
June 17, 2016