Hamilton Road and Westbury Place Watch want to meet other groups
The newly established Hamilton Road and Westbury Place Neighbourhood Watch Committee would like to meet with other Neighbourhood Watch groups
in the TW8 area, to establish a mutual understanding of the problems that
have to be faced.
If other Neighbourhood Watch Committees’ in the TW8 area believe that this
would be a good idea, Keith Haines, Coordinator of the Hamilton Road and Westbury Place, Neighbourhood Watch Committee, would very much like to
hear from you.
He can be contacted on:
Keith Haines
8 Hamilton Road
e.mail- keithewhaines@aol.com
tel- 078 0076 1503
The Hamilton Road and Westbury Place Neighbourhood Watch Committee
is committed to working with the Police to help fight crime, vandalism, graffiti,
fly tipping and unruly behaviour in our area.
June 19, 2007