Concerned about increase in traffic, noise and air pollution
A new anti-airport expansion group has been set up by residents of Hounslow and Brentford.
Brentford and Hounslow Stop Heathrow Expansion (BASHR3), has been launched in the wake of the government’s National Policy Statement (NPS) consultation on proposals for a northwest runway at Heathrow.
There are serious concerns in the borough about the increased noise, traffic and air pollution – amplified by the recent report by the Commons Environmental Audit Committee, that is highly critical of the government’s implausible assurances on these issues.
Brentford resident Dave Waller has helped set up the new campaign group as many more lives will be blighted by another flightpath. BASHR3 is urging people to attend the DfT consultation events, and submit their responses.
Dave Waller commented on the air pollution issue: “If the third runway goes ahead, it is sure to get worse and we will be forced to move out of the area. Our lives will also be blighted by an increase in noise caused by the new flightpath, which will cut across Brentford.”
Ruth Cadbury MP urged people concerned about Heathrow health impacts to join BASHR3.
See BASHR3 online: website, Facebook and on Twitter at @bashrunway3
BASHR3 are organising a public meeting on 21st March at Brentford Free Church; details will follow.
March 2, 2017