Keep informed as to what's being proposed in the area
The Council has received applications for development at the sites below. You can look up the application and any supporting plans at through the Planning pages of the Council’s web and then entering the planning number.
Pending Decisions List Week 35: 30th Aug - 6th Sep 2013 - in TW7/TW8:
Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL
60 Talbot Road, Isleworth, TW7 7HF
Isleworth -
01109/60/P1 -
Erection of a single storey side and rear infill extension and first floor rear extension to the house.
No. of submissions:
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
The excessive depth of the proposal is contrary to the Council’s Residential Extension Guidelines and would therefore harm the neighbours’ living conditions.
The excessive size, scale and position of the proposal
Pending Decisions List Week 34: 23rd - 30th Aug 2013 - in TW7/TW8:
Breaches of Planning Control where Enforcement is to be undertaken
49 The Drive, Isleworth TW7 4AA
Hounslow Central -
BWR/2013/00014 -
Breach -
Unauthorised erection of second rear canopy extension
Minor & Householder Applications to be recommended for REFUSAL
69 Windmill Road, TW8 0QQ
Brentford -
01217/69/P3 -
Change of use of ground floor unit to C3 (a residential unit) incorporating changes to the front and side elevations
No. of submissions:
Summary of likely reasons for refusal
The proposal would provide an unsatisfactory standard of accommodation which proposes primary living accommodation to a basement. There is insufficient evidence to indicate there would be adequate headroom or daylight to the basement level.
The proposal includes a brick wall to enclose a front yard this is currently designated as un-adopted public highway and is not outlined as part of the site.
Lack of private amenity space.
Large applications will be held on paper at Brentford Library.
This Pending list includes planning applications recommended for approval which have objections, planning applications recommended for refusal, major applications, and cases where enforcement action is proposed.
If anyone is unhappy with the officer recommendation, or wants it given an airing at Area Forum, then they have to contact a councillor to ask for them to refer it to Area Forum. The councillor will assess whether they agree with this, and then either refers it to their Area Forum, or does not.
The lists are published weekly, on a Friday. If, after 7 days, the planning department receive no response, then the decision is made under delegated powers. If referred by a member, it then goes to an Area Forum. The member that referred it presents it to the Forum, and the Forum then decide whether to refer it up to Planning Committee for decision, or back to officers for decision.
These do not include all applications as yet undecided.
August 30, 2013