Rental space stops you carting your bike through your house
Would you like a cycle hoop on your road?
Brentford has had its first cycle hoop installed in York Road and it has proved to be a popular way to store cycles in a secure location outside of the home. Many residents might be reluctant to use peddle power if it means carrying a bike from the garden through the house and back again.
Residents group Air Quality Brentford are looking at positive ways to make a difference to our air quality. In an effort to get people thinking about cycling more they are asking for people in Brentford to express their initial interest in having a secure cycle hoop on their street.
With only 6 bike spaces in each hoop there is limited space and the current storage has a waiting list. There also needs to be space on your road to accommodate the hoop. Lambeth has reached its 100th cycle hoop, Ealing has four, and it's fast becoming a popular choice for Londoners with limited space for bike storage.
Rental costs for the York Road hanger is £36 per year (costs vary) with a refundable key deposit of £25.
More information on cycle hoops and where to find them can be found here:
Contact if you think this is something that could work on your street or contact your local ward Councillor directly and ask them for one.
February 22, 2017