Have your say on new initiative aimed at cracking down on anti-social behaviours
Residents are being urged to have their say on radical new plans to introduce a borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) across Ealing.
The proposed PSPO would try to address a number of persistent issues that are regularly reported to the council, police and other services.
Most recently, certain areas have noted spikes in burglaries, teen assaults and thefts. In Hanwell persistent problems include those associated with street drinkers and drugs use.
The proposed order would have varying conditions for different types of public spaces across the borough. There are currently four PSPOs operating in Ealing including Mattock Lane and Southall parks.
A PSPO gives the police and the council an additional means to tackle anti-social behaviour and is used alongside existing powers and ongoing partnership work with other agencies and the community.
Other types of behaviours which have a detrimental impact of the quality of life to people may include, fly-tipping, littering, verbal abuse, obstructing the highway, urinating or, spitting.
If the PSPO is implemented, it will be enforced by police and council officers - although details of exactly how have not been made known yet.
The penalty for breaking a PSPO is a fine of £100. If the fine is not paid, court proceedings may be started, which will increase the fine to up to £1,000.
Leading up to this consultation, the council say the safer communities team has undertaken a wide detail of research and have spoken with a number of stakeholder and community groups.
Ealing council director of safer communities, Mark Wiltshire, said: “Our research has shown that local people would welcome the idea of more enforcement action being taken against those committing anti-social behaviour.
“It’s vital for residents and visitors of the borough to let their views be heard via the consultation. This will ultimately give the council a greater understanding if the need for a borough wide PSPO is warranted.”
The consultation is open from Monday, 15 April 2019 and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. If you’re unable to complete online, paper copies of the consultation are available at the customer service centre at Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Rd, London W5 2HL.
If you would like to know more and share your views about the proposed borough wide PSPO, please do so via www.ealing.gov.uk/consultations. This consultation will be live until Sunday, 9 June 2019. Officers will then collate all feedback and carefully consider the results before making a decision.
If the consultation results are in favour of the PSPO, the order will come into force in Autumn 2019 and will run until 2022. The Council has the option to vary or discontinue the order if the behaviours stop or change.
If you have any further queries or feedback about the proposed PSPO, email SaferCommunities@ealing.gov.uk.
15 April 2019