Responses show support and opposition to proposals evenly split
Transport for London have announced their intention to proceed with controversial changes to bus route 440.
Over 600 responses were received to the consultation but over have of these appear to relate to the changes to bus route 27 which was being consulted on at the same time. 43% of respondents said they didn’t use the 440 and 14% did not answer the questions relating to this route.
For the proposed changes to route 440, 14 per cent supported or strongly supported the proposals, 15 per cent neither supported nor opposed them, 14 per cent opposed or strongly opposed them.
The 440 will be directed away from Twyford Avenue to provide a more direct connection with Acton Mainline station which provides a link with the Elizabeth line.
Concerns were expressed that the changes will have a very negative effect on West Acton residents, particularly those who need to visit Central Middlesex Hospital regularly and a formal complaint was made to TfL over what some residents are saying was an inadequate consultation.
Travelling southbound the bus would run – as it does now – along Bollo Lane. Instead of continuing past Weston Road towards Chiswick Park station, it would turn right into Chiswick Business Park. It would then run through the business park – following the same alignment as route 27 – but instead turn right onto Chiswick High Road before turning left onto Oxford Road North. It would then run along Wellesley Road / Heathfield Terrace and around Turnham Green. It would then turn left back on to Chiswick High Road and left again onto Town Hall Avenue to start its northbound journey through the business park (following the above route in reverse).
Part of the lost service will be replaced by the new route 218 which will run between North Acton and Hammersmith via West Acton, Acton High Street and Askew Road using single-deck buses. However, it will run every 12 minutes during Monday to Saturday daytimes rather than every 10 minutes and every 20 minutes during Sundays and evenings rather than every 15 minutes.
There was overwhelming opposition to the changes proposed to route 27 which will end the service to Chiswick.
The consultation took place between 2 July and 12 August 2018 and TfL say they now intend to implement the changes early next year. A separate consultation is taking place on proposals to extend route 440 in Wembley.
November 21, 2018