Local man's named 'tags' give officers all the evidence they need
A man who went of a fortnight graffiti spree around Acton High Street has been caught - by his own 'artwork'.
( image courtesty Dave Fucher)
Local police office PC David Loveday says: '' Signs saying Okonor and World War 3 were being sprayed anywhere. We did some research and found that this was not the first time that the name OKonor had been sprayed on walls in Acton.''
( image courtesty Dave Fucher)
Pc Loveday says he had a strong idea of who was to blame and and stopped the man on the High Street to ask him about the grafitti.
He says: '' He denied everything, he laughed and said if it was him he would sign it all in my name saying Loveday 393xb. I saw him a couple of days later and he told me to look at the traffic crossing where I had last met him and sure enough he had signed his name or tag "Okonor' and 'Loveday 393xb'.''
( image courtesty Dave Fucher)
PC Loveday says the man has now agreed to stop and they plan to sign him up on an an Acceptable Behaviour Contract.
'' If we have any new spates of the graffiti then we can begin to look at an Criminal Behaviour Order. Hopefully the Contract will be the end of the issue.''
Local resident, Dave Fucher had reported the graffiti to his local councillor, the Churchfield Road Association and TfL. He says most of it was cleaned up quickly but is critical of the council's current procedure for dealing. He says:
''Using the council's web form reporting is slow and laborious Imagine inputting all the photos one at a time on each web form! It's a real shame that Ealing don't use an App like Fix my Street or Love Clean Street.
Southfields ward Lib Dem Councillor, Gary Malcolm, said he's optimistic this will be changed soon:
" Recently I spoke to a council officer who said that there will be an app, available to be used by residents to report issues so that the Council can clean up our streets more quickly - whether that be from issues like graffiti, dumped waste or dog poo."
You can report graffiti here
Ealing Council say they aim to have most reported graffiti removed within two days and add that Graffiti is a criminal offence and should also be reported to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
7th December 2016
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