Police say thieves target householders in the latest break-in ploy
The neighbourhood crime prevention scheme OWL (www.owl.co.uk) has released an alert over households with video linked doorbells which have been been targetted by thieves.
Police say a man and woman pretend to be involved in an argument outside a specific house with such a doorbell and when the man walks off the woman seeks help from the resident.
They continue: ''After the occupier opens the door, the male party returns and forces his way into the property, items are then stolen.
Consider the following steps in the event that such an incident occurs:
- Call 999 and explain the situation to police.
- Don't open your door unless absolutely safe to do so.
- Move to another part of your home for a better vantage point.
- If you have to open the door, use a chain to prevent access.
- Report any suspicious behaviour to the police.
11th February 2020