Several of the teenagers have gained places at top universities
Over half of Acton High School's sixth form students passed their A levels with grades A*-C.
Strong individual performances have seen many students achieve the highest grades, securing places on the degree courses of their choice including Economics, Maths, Accountancy and Statistics, Chemical Engineering, Theoretical Physics and Journalism. Over half of this year’s cohort received grades A* to C for all of their subjects, while a third did so at grades A* to B.
Students’ results have secured places at some of the most prestigious institutions, with three heading for Warwick University, two each heading for Southampton and University College London, and four heading for Brunel.
Healthcare and Engineering courses have proved popular with this year’s cohort. Students will be begin courses including Pharmacy, Radiography, Adult Nursing and Psychology, as well as Chemical Engineering and Engineering and Construction Management, in September.
Amongst the success stories are a number of students who joined Acton High from overseas with English as an additional language during their education, including one student with an A* and two As who will be going on to study Maths.
Head of Sixth Form and Assistant Headteacher Ms Lok said, “Our congratulations go to our students celebrating A Level success today. These results are testament to the hard work and dedication of these students, who we wish continuing success as they take their next steps.
“Once again this year, we have seen some outstanding individual successes with students gaining the highest grades and winning places on prestigious courses at competitive universities. All can be very proud of what they have achieved.”
25th August 2018